( Moonshadow frame is for presentation only and not part of the image.)

This is 'The Witch's Promise'. It was inspired by a Jethro Tull song of the same name and as many lyrics do, became an idea for this picture. My interpretation of the lyric is a well founded one with the supernatural. Be careful of what you wish for, who makes the promise and the likely consequences. The location is virtually on the doorstep of where I live in Derbyshire and ironically is a medieval hermitage.

'Elen of the Ways' There are a multitude of ways to depict Elen. This is one of two interpretations at present, representing the wise guiding light through the ancient pathways. Suitably the setting for this is Sherwood Forest.

A visit to Nine Stones Close at dusk didn't require much imagination to present a picture of lunar celebration. There are not nine stones though, only these four but nearby are the Nine Ladies stone circle on Stanton Moor.

Speaking of Stanton Moor prompts this presentation of 'The Moonstone'. It is a magical re-imagining of the landscape and one of its most famous landmarks and so all is not what it seems. But ancient mysteries can create all manner of things.